Publisher's Synopsis
What's your story? God has written a grand story-His story-and He wants you to discover your own in His. Pastor John Kitchen takes you on a unique journey from Genesis to Revelation, unfolding God's overarching plan for the whole of creation-and for you. Finding your place in the vast plan of God involves: - a purpose bigger than you've ever imagined, - a gain bigger than you've ever dreamed, - a pleasure more intense than you've ever fantasized. "God, I believe, takes a particular delight in creating meaning beneath the surface of the apparent. We think history, and we see dusty textbooks and boring lectures. But digging deeper, Kitchen shows us the IMAX version--history as a radiant, energetic, vibrating display of God's glory and grace. May we never recover." Richard A. Swenson, MD Futurist, Physician-researcher, Educator and Author of Margin