Publisher's Synopsis
This is a book that all pastors should have in their library. At one time or another, pastors will encounter suicide, and they need to be equipped to help those who are dealing with a loved one who has committed suicide, or a person who is being tempted to commit suicide. Twisted Logic covers the warning signs and provides a "how to guide in dealing with the people who are suffering. This book gives basic steps and does not leave you wondering what the next step is; it reminds the reader that they need to walk with God. It is with God's help that the one who suffers will find strength to overcome the temptation of suicide. For the family that is walking in the grief of the painful reality of suicide, Twisted Logic will bring them hope and understanding." -- Reverend Dawnmarie Fiechtner, Community United Methodist Church, Keenesburg, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Conference of the UMC.