Publisher's Synopsis
Sometimes we have a pet that we love so much, and no matter how hard we try it seems we just cannot seem to completely protect them. Something happens, and they get hurt; and you take your pet to the vet and then your dear pet gets better. This is a story about what happened to a very real cat named Blake; and it seems Blake is very lucky that a cat has nine lives, because Blake is always getting into some kind of trouble. Find out what happened when Blake the cat got a very loose tooth. Find out what the kind and wise veterinarian did to make Blake the cat feel so much better. Written and illustrated by the award winning author, Penelope Dyan, this is a somewhat serious book (written in her usual comical and kid-friendly fashion) just for you! Learn, read and enjoy this book about Penelope Dyan's very own cat (who happens to be Blake the cat) and see how the problem of Blake the cat's very loose tooth was resolved!