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My Life as I Know It--Part IV

My Life as I Know It--Part IV

Paperback (10 Jan 2011)

  • $10.48
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Publisher's Synopsis

The story continues, and this is "My Life As I Know It, Part !V." Pam wants to go on a hayride because she thinks it will be romantic, and our heroine is not so sure it's a good idea. All sorts of thoughts and ideas are explored in this book as heroine continues to explore life past and present and gives her thoughts and perspectives on some not so pretty parts of our world and its history. Dyan is an award winning author, a former teacher and an attorney who not only understands kids of all ages, she remembers when she was a kid! This is why all her books are age appropriate and funny as well as age friendly. Life is really is an exciting ride, and it is something you don't want to miss. The trick is that the ride is so fast moving, that you really truly have to hold on tightly so you won't fall off the edge.

Book information

ISBN: 9781935630517
Publisher: Bellissima Publishing
Imprint: Bellissima Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 104
Weight: 120g
Height: 204mm
Width: 130mm
Spine width: 6mm