Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul Teacher Tales : 101 Inspirational Stories from Great Teachers and Appreciative Students

Paperback (02 Feb 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Laugh and cry reading these 101 stories about the heart and soul of teaching in these inspirational Teacher Tales!

You won't be able to put down these stories about new and experienced teachers, tough kids and sweet kids, funny and embarrassing moments, amazing connections and relationships, and all the ups and downs of being a teacher today. Read about:

  • accidentally showing topless dancers in an educational video about Paris
  • making students "rent" their seats to teach them real-world budgeting
  • rescuing an injured child on a field trip and then being surrounded by state troopers as a suspected pedophile
  • helping a second grade student write letters to her soldier father and watching their tearful reunion
  • giving an award for academic achievement to a student who is headed for prison
  • hitting a 9-year-old bike rider and years later having him in class
  • making up math raps for inner city students
  • and 94 more great stories!

Book information

ISBN: 9781935096474
Publisher: Chicken Soup for the Soul
Imprint: Chicken Soup for the Soul
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 397
Weight: 450g
Height: 138mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 28mm