Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma

Karma Chakme's Mountain Dharma Volume 3

Paperback (20 Mar 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This volume opens with concise bardo teachings as well as instructions on benefiting people in the bardo state. The book continues with instructions and advice for the practitioner, including protecting oneself from potential threats with loving kindness and compassion, purifying obscurations through invoking wisdom deities, learning the signs that arise during practice, recognizing when your practice gets off track and eradicating the causes, utilizing methods to develop one's practice, and bringing the five mental afflictions (desire, anger, ignorance, jealousy, and pride) to the path.

Book information

ISBN: 9781934608012
Publisher: Ktd Publications
Imprint: Ktd Publications (US)
Pub date:
Number of pages: 477
Weight: 782g
Height: 155mm
Width: 230mm
Spine width: 38mm