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How God Can Save Your Marriage in 40 Days

How God Can Save Your Marriage in 40 Days

Paperback (04 Feb 2010)

  • $15.73
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Publisher's Synopsis

In the scriptures, 40 days represents a period in which an individual's strength and will are tested. How God Can Save Your Marriage in 40 Days takes couples on a 40-day journey to rebuild and fortify their marriage by strengthening their relationship to God and, in turn, each other.

This book offers couples 40 days of daily themes crucial to a healthy marriage, such as respect, forgiveness, patience, affection, communication, and more. Each theme is explained with a powerful scriptural passage, as well as Daily Acts of Love that the couple is instructed to perform to strengthen their bond. Next, journaling sections allow readers to reflect on progress and challenges with the theme of that day. Finally, daily exercises help the couple continue to work on these themes for a lifetime.

For the millions of individuals struggling in their marriages, this book provides powerful support and meaningful exercises. By taking these actions to get strength from God, couples are guaranteed to reinvigorate the love, support, and connection that lifelong marriages are built upon.

Book information

ISBN: 9781934386842
Publisher: WS Publishing Group, Inc.
Imprint: WS Publishing Group
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 200
Weight: 354g
Height: 218mm
Width: 142mm
Spine width: 14mm