Stripes and Spots

Stripes and Spots

Hardback (25 May 2012)

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Hardback (17 Sep 2024) - Reprint $18.77

Publisher's Synopsis

A young tiger sets out to explore and hunt, determined to catch things with stripes. A young leopard sets out to explore and hunt, determined to catch things with spots. And when the two youngsters meet, their adventures more than double! In this delightful children's book, originally published in 1961, Dahlov Ipcar uses the playful cats to depict the exuberance and innocence of youth. And when danger looms, perhaps they are not as old or as brave as they think they are. Ipcar's incomparable signature artwork has never looked bolder or brighter.

About the Publisher

Islandport Press

Islandport Press was founded in 1999 and published its first book in 2000. The Maine-based company will celebrate its 15th Anniversary in 2014 and will pass the 100 books published mark in the process. From the beginning the company has been dedicated to this mission:Islandport is a dynamic, award-winning publisher dedicated to stories rooted in the essence and sensibilities of New England. We strive to capture and explore the grit, heart, beauty, and infectious spirit of the region by telling tales, real and imagined, that can be appreciated in many forms by readers, dreamers, and adventurers everywhere.

Book information

ISBN: 9781934031704
Publisher: Islandport Press
Imprint: Islandport Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 44
Weight: 499g
Height: 282mm
Width: 218mm
Spine width: 13mm