Publisher's Synopsis
Cut the CRAP and Make the Sale is the first and only sales handbook to marry a proven psychological methodology to overcome your problems (CRAP) with professional selling techniques. By first understanding the internal selling deterrents, you are better prepared for sales success. Catastophizing happens when a sales rep imagines the worst will become real. Understanding the Selling and Buyer Processes, the mystery of worst case scenario will disappear. Rationalizing is a hurdle that allows sales people to logically make sense of why they are not doing what they should. The book arms people with successful prospecting techniques that defeat rationalizing. Agonizing can cause complete inertia as one weighs decisions. Overcoming agonizing means overcoming fear. Agonizing is destroyed when you are armed with the selling tools used by successful sales pros. Finally, Procrastinating leads to mismanagement of your most valuable resource: your time. Sales can be lost in a matter of minutes. While you are pursuing bad business, your competitors are signing contracts.