Loving God & Loving Gays

Loving God & Loving Gays What's a Christian to Do?

Paperback (03 May 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"I have several gay friends. I find them to be loving, generous, and kind. It's something of a conundrum for Christians on how to act around gays, isn't it?" My friend who said this is right. It is something of a conundrum-and one I've often faced as well. In this book, I'll share how I went into homosexuality and later came out of it with the help of Christ and the woman who eventually became my wife. I'll also share glimpses into the lives of dozens of others who have similar stories and how their loving friends helped them on one of the most significant journeys of their lives. Along the way, I'll give you practical ideas for how you can truly love those around you who are experiencing same-sex attractions-loving them with true affection in the name of Jesus Christ. Eric Elder

Book information

ISBN: 9781931760829
Publisher: Eric Elder Ministries
Imprint: Eric Elder Ministries
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 0g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 12mm