
Esther The Providence of God

Paperback (08 Jun 2004)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Esther, born in godless ancient Persia, was chosen to marry a pagan king. As part of the king's vast harem, Esther must have feared she was destined to a life of loneliness and emptiness. Little did she know that God was preparing her to fill a critical role in Israel's history. God used Esther to influence the king, saving her people from annihilation. This study examines how God acts as the "Great Mover" in history to accomplish His will. As you study this gripping saga, you'll discover how God works to protect and guide His people - wherever they live. This is an exciting study on faith and faithfulness. Lesson titles include: A New Queen" "If I Perish, I Perish" "How the Mighty are Fallen" "The Providence of God. "

Book information

ISBN: 9781931372060
Publisher: Lamplighters International
Imprint: Lamplighters International
Pub date:
Number of pages: 44
Weight: 95g
Height: 229mm
Width: 158mm
Spine width: 5mm