About Bioethics V: FAITH, SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - About Bioethics

Paperback (01 May 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Professor Tonti-Filippini was completing the writing and editing of this book just before his death in November 2014. This volume explores the relationship between humanity and the environment in the light of contemporary science and a Christian understanding of creation and redemption. This includes the challenge set us by both Benedict XVI and John Paul II in having accepted the probability of the scientific account of the evolution of the human body but not accepting that the human immortal soul evolved. The contemporary issues of climate change, population growth, human damage to the environment and the relationship between faith and science are explored by applying the ideas of the goodness, beauty and sacramentality of all creation and other ideas within the Christian tradition, focussing particularly on the contributions of the Early Fathers, such as Augustine and John Chrysostom, and the medieval thinkers, including Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Francis of Assisi, and taking into account the effects of Hellenism on both the Jewish and Christian traditions.

Book information

ISBN: 9781925501513
Publisher: Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd
Imprint: Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 332
Weight: 456g
Height: 148mm
Width: 211mm
Spine width: 28mm