Transgressions Cycle: The Mothers

Transgressions Cycle: The Mothers

eBook (31 Aug 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Fleeing the horrors of Dickensian England and debts she cannot pay, Rosanna steals passage aboard a ship from a desperate young mother and her child. But all hope of a better life is snuffed out when the ship runs aground on Matron Island, a remote quarantine station off the coast of Tasmania. Trapped, Rosanna searches for a way out, discovering hidden chambers and a bizarre photography studio deep within the bowls of the station. Each step brings Rosanna closer to the truth and the creatures that await her in the dark . . . From the pen of Mike Jones renowned multi-platform writer and Head of Story at Portal Entertainment The Mothers is the first spoke in the Transgressions Cycle story wheel, this is Australian gothic horror at its finest.

Book information

ISBN: 9781925030938
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Australia
Imprint: Simon & Schuster Australia
Pub date:
Number of pages: 272
Weight: -1g