
Freewheeling Essays on Cycling

Paperback (10 Apr 2025)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In these essays twelve writers consider the joys of cycling, whether in a city late at night, or along country lanes on a summer's day. Yara Rodrigues Fowler and Xani Byrne write a moving essay on coming to terms with loss through tandem biking, Jon McGregor reminisces on the significance of cycling to Dunwich Beach throughout his life, Annie Lord sings the praises on cycling home on Lime Bikes from parties and the late Dervla Murphy regales us with stories of her cycle to India on her bike, named Roz.

About the Publisher

Daunt Books

Founded in 2010, the Daunt Books publishing arm is dedicated to discovering brilliant works by talented authors from around the world. Whether reissuing beautiful new editions of lost classics or introducing exceptional, fresh literary voices, we're drawn to writing that evokes a strong sense of place - novels, memoirs, travel accounts, and translations with a lingering atmosphere, a thrilling story, and a distinctive style. With our roots as a travel bookshop, the titles we publish are inspired by the shops themselves, and the exciting atmosphere of discovery to be found in a good bookshop.

Book information

ISBN: 9781917092067
Publisher: Daunt Books
Imprint: Daunt Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 796.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: -1g