Publisher's Synopsis
Over the past decade, Reliquiae has interleaved ecologically aware writing from the past and present, ranging from the ethnological to the philosophical, the lyrical to the visionary. This final volume of the journal features folkloric and mythological selections from the Aztec, Chukchee, Gaelic, Hupa, Indian, Iroquois, Mandaean and Wichita cultures, along with work from the following poets, writers and translators:
Peter Mark Adams, Jakky Bankong-Obi, Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán, Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Don Domanski, Kim Dorman, Kirsten D. Dzwiza, Adam Flint, Catherine M. Greenwood, Hawthonn (Phil & Layla Legard), Uno Holmberg, Taylor Hood, Nicola Holloway, Éliphas Lévi, Isidro Li, John Martone, Jenny Morris, Anna Ojinnaka, Gaspar Orozco (translated by Ilana Luna), Plato, Penelope Shuttle, Richard Skelton, Martín Tonalmeyotl (translated by Autumn Richardson), Hans Jürgen von der Wense (translated by Kristofor Minta and Herbert Pföstl), Ruth Wiggins and W.B. Yeats.