A Trip to the Zoo

A Trip to the Zoo English-Xhosa Bilingual Edition

Paperback (27 Dec 2022) | Xhosa

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Publisher's Synopsis

A trip to the zoo is a simple and straight forward journey with very little to worry about. But for three special friends with special needs, the journey can be daunting; full of worries and anxieties. Follow Ben, Adam and Jasmine as they visit the zoo together and see the challenges they face along the way.

Uhambo oluya kwithalalezilwanyana luhambo olulula, olungenazingxaki nolungenazinto zitheni ongazikhathaza ngazo. Kodwa kwaba bahlobo bathathu bakhethekileyonabanezidingo ezizodwa, uhambo lungaluhambo olothusayo; oluzele kukuxhalaba. Landela uBen, uAdam noJasmine njengoko betyelela ithala lezilwanyana, behamba bonke, ze ubone imingeni abajongana nayo endleleni.

Book information

ISBN: 9781915637086
Publisher: Salaam Publishing
Imprint: Salaam Publishing
Pub date:
Language: Xhosa
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 68g
Height: 203mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 2mm