Publisher's Synopsis
In the wake of the civil war which devastated Tajikistan, Gulsifat Shakhidi's Farkhod from Navghilem tells the story of Farkhod and his friends, who navigate the new world they find themselves in with wit and a happy-go-lucky approach as they laugh through the tears. Written with an easy charm and deeply felt empathy for these characters which jump from the page, the novella is fast-paced, humorous, and a joy to read.
Новая книга Гульсифат Шахиди Фарход из Навгилема - это юмористическая повесть, в которой герои не очерствели сердцем в наше непростое время. Юмор помогает им скраiивать жизнь и корректировать отношение с окружающими.