WJEC Biology for AS Level

WJEC Biology for AS Level Revision Workbook

Paperback (24 Sep 2020)

  • $18.26
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Publisher's Synopsis

This new Revision Workbook provides a comprehensive collection of examination-style questions covering each topic from the WJEC Biology for AS Level specification. // Ideal for examination preparation, exam question practice and for improving examination technique. // Enables students to build on their knowledge of key areas of study and develop their confidence in the subject. // Helps students understand what is required in an exam and develop the skills needed to be effective in an exam situation. // Includes advice on how students can refine their exam technique and improve their grade potential. // The helpful write-in format, together with the answers, enables students to check their progress as they work through the course.

About the Publisher

Illuminate Publishing

We publish practical, inspirational learning resources that help teachers teach and students learn. We work with teachers, students, examiners, subject experts, and awarding bodies to ensure that everything we publish is of the highest possible quality.

Book information

ISBN: 9781912820382
Publisher: Hodder Education Group
Imprint: Illuminate Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 506g
Height: 209mm
Width: 296mm
Spine width: 30mm