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WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level. Pure & Applied Practice Tests

WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level. Pure & Applied Practice Tests

Paperback (29 Apr 2019)

  • $26.20
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Publisher's Synopsis

The Practice Tests book is designed to be used alongside the WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level Pure and Applied student books. // Carefully graded questions with answers and full explanations help to build your confidence. // Helps you practise knowledge and skills as you work through the course. // Provides essential facts and formulae at the start of each topic. // Space is provided for you to write in your answers, helping you become familiar with the exam paper format. // Ideal for classwork and homework, they also supplement the `test yourself' questions included in the Student Books. // Additional advice and further support is provided on unstructured questions and specimen test papers are included.

About the Publisher

Illuminate Publishing

We publish practical, inspirational learning resources that help teachers teach and students learn. We work with teachers, students, examiners, subject experts, and awarding bodies to ensure that everything we publish is of the highest possible quality.

Book information

ISBN: 9781911208563
Publisher: Hodder Education Group
Imprint: Illuminate Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 510.76
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 464g
Height: 276mm
Width: 220mm
Spine width: 8mm