A Good Catch

A Good Catch

Paperback (21 Aug 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Jessica has her eyes set on Kevin. But he doesn't know that. He knows Jessica well enough. After all, he's seen her grow from a child to the young woman she now is. But he's too busy chasing after every other woman in the area and playing for his village cricket team.

Now if Jessica could get to play in that team, he might start to notice her more then. But that's easier said than done. A woman will never be allowed play in the team. So says the chairman.

And the chairman happens to be Jessica's father. He also happens to be very pig-headed. But she can be very pig-headed too. Which means two very pig-headed people in conflict with one another, and to make matters worse both live in the same sty ... sorry, same house

Book information

ISBN: 9781910757666
Publisher: Asys Publishing
Imprint: Asys Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 218
Weight: 238g
Height: 172mm
Width: 204mm
Spine width: 22mm