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Ten Rules for Ensuring People With Learning Disabilities and Those Who Are on the Autism Spectrum Develop 'Challenging Behaviour'

Ten Rules for Ensuring People With Learning Disabilities and Those Who Are on the Autism Spectrum Develop 'Challenging Behaviour' And Maybe What to Do About It

Paperback (01 Mar 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ten Rules for Ensuring People with Learning Disabilities and Those Who Are On The Autism Spectrum Develop 'Challenging Behaviour'… and maybe what to do about it is a full colour, pocket-sized booklet that aims to spark thought and discussion on how we can better understand those on the autism spectrum and/or with learning difficulties and their needs. Written in the 'voice' of someone with autism, this booklet directly addresses the many practices and assumptions that cause so many problems for children and adults with autism and learning difficulties and their family, friends and carers. The 'ten rules' concept sets out to be deliberately provocative and is the first in a series that will address the topic of autism and how not to do things.

Book information

ISBN: 9781910366882
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd
Imprint: Pavilion Publishing and Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 52
Weight: 52g
Height: 107mm
Width: 149mm
Spine width: 9mm