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Dolls & Other Brief  Tales of Unusual Occurrences in Ordinary Places

Dolls & Other Brief Tales of Unusual Occurrences in Ordinary Places

Paperback (08 Feb 2019)

  • $16.81
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Publisher's Synopsis

Throughout my life I have come across people who claim to have experienced inexplicable things as they have gone about their everyday routines--raising children, working, making a home, taking a holiday. Perhaps they have seen something at the periphery of their vision, which when they turn to look properly isn't there at all, or seen a movement where no movement should be--in a shadow, a sudden swirl of dust, something in the corner of a room.

Most of the short stories in this book were written in response to accounts of 'minor hauntings' that have come my way. They don't need dark and stormy nights. They don't need creaking country houses surrounded by ominous trees. They are the stories of ordinary people, people like you and me, with ordinary names, in ordinary places. They are the stories of Everyman and Everywoman, who are made a little less ordinary because they have experienced something inexplicable. (from the author's introduction)

James Goddard lives in Yorkshire, England. He is a small press publisher and freelance book editor.

Book information

ISBN: 9781909849730
Publisher: Leaky Boot Press
Imprint: Leaky Boot Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 198
Weight: 259g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 11mm