Brennu-Njáls Saga

Brennu-Njáls Saga

Paperback (25 Oct 2013) | Icelandic

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Publisher's Synopsis

Njáls saga is one of the sagas of Icelanders. The most prominent characters are the friends Njáll þorgeirsson, a lawyer and a sage, and Gunnarr Hámundarson, a formidable warrior. In the course of a feud, Gunnarr is exiled and must leave Iceland but as he rides away from his home he is struck by the beauty of the land and resolves to stay.This is the longest surviving saga and it is presented here in modern Icelandic orthography.

Book information

ISBN: 9781909669925
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Jiahu Books
Pub date:
Language: Icelandic
Number of pages: 336
Weight: 426g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 19mm