London's Strangest Tales

London's Strangest Tales Historic Royal Palaces : Extraordinary but True Stories

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Pavilion Books is a thriving independent London-based publisher specialising in illustrated books and digital content for the UK and all international markets. We publish around 200 books a year under our range of established imprints Batsford, Conway, Collins & Brown, National Trust, Pavilion, Pavilion Children's, Portico, Robson and Salamander. Our high-profile authors include Oz Clarke, James May and Bruce Parry, and we specialise in managing brand-led publishing programmes with large organisations such as Good Housekeeping and The National Trust. At the core of our business are specialist lists such as wine, naval history, craft, cookery and textile art.

Book information

ISBN: 9781909396173
Publisher: Pavilion Books
Imprint: Portico
Pub date:
DEWEY: 728.8209421
DEWEY edition: 23
Weight: -1g