
Greed - A Detective John Lynch Chicago Thriller

Paperback (02 Jan 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ex-Marine, Nick Hardin, heads back from a decade in Africa to his hometown, Chicago, with $100 million in blood diamonds ripped off from an Al Qaeda financing pipeline. His retirement plan? To cash out through a Chicago Mossad contact and head for the beach. But soon enough, Hardin's stuck in Chicago with diamonds he can't sell and a series of hit men, mobsters, and a Washington off-the-books black ops team on his tail. The resulting body count leaves Chicago detective John Lynch trying to find connections among the victims, while simultaneously solving the murder of a dead infectious disease expert who'd drafted a biological weapons plan that could turn Chicago into a ghost town.

Book information

ISBN: 9781909223158
Publisher: Angry Robot
Imprint: Exhibit A
Pub date:
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 400
Weight: 278g
Height: 132mm
Width: 197mm
Spine width: 26mm