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Banksyisms The Wit, Wisdom and Inspiration of an Art Outlaw

First edition

Hardback (30 Jun 2021)

  • $24.86
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Publisher's Synopsis

Banksyisms. The Wit, Wisdom and Inspiration of An Art Outlaw is an in-depth look at his inspirational and witty commentary, complemented by images of his most iconic work. Featuring observations and insight, vibrantly illustrated with photography it also includes a timeline spanning his full career to date. From self-help to help-yourself all the way to just plain old, help! If you've been crying yourself to sleep over your failings as a rat athlete in the rat olympics of late-capitalist life then take comfort. This book is for you. Features his very latest work and includes: Nottingham Hula Hoop Girl, Bristol Valentines' Day, Turf War Exhibition, Girl With Balloon, Birmingham Reindeer Bench, London Extinction Rebellion, Calais Steve Jobs, Devolved Parliament, New York You Loot We Shoot. Spanning Gaza, London, Bristol, New York, LA and Paris among many many more.

About the Publisher

Carpet Bombing Culture

Carpet Bombing Culture is your counter-cultural publisher par excellence. Our aim is to provide you, dear reader, with premium quality art and photography books littered with vitriolic and highly subjective commentary to aid you in pursuing the guerrilla warfare that is 21st century everyday life.* *We make books. You buy them. Your life is better.

Book information

ISBN: 9781908211880
Publisher: Carpet Bombing Culture
Imprint: Carpet Bombing Culture
Pub date:
Edition: First edition
DEWEY: 751.73
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 227
Weight: 840g
Height: 172mm
Width: 226mm
Spine width: 27mm