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The Story of Cunard's 175 Years

The Story of Cunard's 175 Years The Triumph of a Great Tradition

Hardback (01 Dec 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In 2015 Cunard celebrate their 175th anniversary. Its heritage dates back to 1839 where Sir Samuel Cunard won the first British Government contract to supply a regular mail service across the North Atlantic. Since that date Cunard has had hundreds of ocean liners. Cunard's golden age occurred after the Second World War when the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth entered full commercial service. In the late Fifties Cunard faced the most fierce competitor, the Boeing 707 on the Transatlantic routes. This saw a great decline in the Cunard fleet but amidst the jet revolution Cunard gambled with their future on a new ship, the QE2. With the expanding cruise market in the late Nineties, the company was to see further new-builds, including the QM2. This anniversary book brings together the full story of Cunard and not only follows the history of the company but also many of the celebrities and film stars who have been associated with Cunard.

Book information

ISBN: 9781906608859
Publisher: Lily Publications Ltd
Imprint: Flambard Press
Pub date:
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 1434g
Height: 283mm
Width: 231mm
Spine width: 22mm