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Jane Eyre The Graphic Novel: Original Text

Jane Eyre The Graphic Novel: Original Text

Paperback (22 Jan 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Jane Eyre is a plain, determined and intelligent child. Orphaned and poor, she is adopted by her Aunt and Uncle Reed. The death of Uncle Reed allows her unpleasant aunt to send her away to a grim charity school, where she continues her harsh upbringing, but is given the education that finally frees her. Once old enough, she becomes a teacher and takes the role of governess in a large manor house, where she falls in love with her employer. But Rochester is hiding a secret that, when revealed, forces Jane to choose between following her head and her heart. Both critically acclaimed and immensely popular, Jane Eyre dealt with concepts of class discrimination, morality, equality for women, and freedom of choice. Designed to encourage readers to enjoy classical literature, Jane Eyre The Graphic Novel stays true to Brontë's original vision. The book includes 125 pages of story artwork (by the legendary comic book artist, John M. Burns) and fascinating support material detailing the life of Charlotte Brontë.

Book information

ISBN: 9781906332471
Publisher: Classical Comics
Imprint: Classical Comics
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 144
Weight: 476g
Height: 244mm
Width: 168mm
Spine width: 10mm