Publisher's Synopsis
Back from the brink of extinction, the otter is making a come-back in Britain today. Author James Williams, a life-long enthusiast of this fascinating, enigmatic creature, dispells some of the mysteries in this beautifully-illustrated book:
- Reasons for the near-disappearance of the otter in the 1980s and the reasons for its recovery today
- Why otters patrol their territories and fight for them
- Breeding, natural history and behaviour
- Unusual otter information: blind otters, the work of otter groups, the difficulties of introducing otters in the wild, their surprising ability to live close to man
- Otters as predators - their impact on fish stocks, the difficulty of fish-hunting in cold water, their favourite foods
- Tracking otters through their prints, and through their spraints
- Helping the otter to survive in the 21st century