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Performing Illusions

Performing Illusions Cinema, Special Effects and the Virtual Actor

Paperback (01 Aug 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The camera supposedly never lies, yet film's ability to frame, cut and reconstruct all that passed before its lens made cinema the pre-eminent medium of visual illusion and revelation from the early twentieth century onwards. This volume examines film's creative history of special effects and trickery, encompassing everything from George Méliès' first trick films to the modern CGI era. Evaluating movements towards the use of computer-generated 'synthespians' in films such as Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within (2001), this title suggests that cinematic effects should be understood not as attempts to perfectly mimic real life, but as constructions of substitute realities, situating them in the cultural lineage of the stage performers and illusionists and of the nineteenth century. With analyses of films such as Destination Moon (1950), Spider-Man (2002) and the King Kong films (1933 and 2006), this new volume provides an insight into cinema's capacity to perform illusions.

About the Publisher

Wallflower Press

Columbia University Press seeks to enhance Columbia University's educational and research mission by publishing outstanding original works by scholars and other intellectuals that contribute to an understanding of global human concerns. The Press also reflects the importance of its location in New York City in its publishing programs. Through book, reference, electronic publishing, and distribution services, the Press broadens the university's international reputation.

Book information

ISBN: 9781905674534
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Imprint: Wallflower Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 791.43024
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 440g
Height: 156mm
Width: 235mm
Spine width: 17mm