The First Treasure Divers

The First Treasure Divers The True Story of How Two Brothers Invented the Diving Helmet and Sought Sunken Treasure and Fame

Paperback (19 Apr 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Who invented the diving helmet? The First Treasure Divers reveals the true and fascinating story. It follows the lives of two brothers as they struggle to turn their newly-invented diving helmet to advantage and how they wrestle with apathetic and even hostile authorities for recognition of their invention.

Book information

ISBN: 9781905492169
Publisher: AquaPress
Imprint: AquaPress
Pub date:
DEWEY: 627.720284
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 215
Weight: 350g
Height: 233mm
Width: 157mm
Spine width: 16mm