Publisher's Synopsis
By a seeming miracle, Illuminee Nganemariya, a young Tutsi bride and her newborn son Roger survived the 1994 attempt by Rwanda's Hutu extremists to wipe their Tutsi neighbours from the face of the earth. Illuminee existed for 100 days in the living hell of Kigali, Rwanda's capital, after watching her husband being dragged away to be killed by friends who had celebrated their wedding with them a month earlier. Then she embarked on a horrific journey through the Genocide with Roger strapped to her back. At any moment a wrong move would have seen them join the 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus who were slaughtered in the space of just three months. Illuminee Nganemariya has spent the last 14 years living in Norwich, England, dealing with the trauma of her 100-day nightmare.