Irby, Wirral

Irby, Wirral Excavations on a Late Prehistoric, Romano-British and Medieval Site, 1987-96

Paperback (31 Oct 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A chance find of Roman pottery in a garden at Irby, Wirral in the 1940s led in 1987 to the discovery of an important and long-lived settlement site by archaeologists from National Museums & Galleries on Merseyside (now National Musuems Liverpool). Excavating from 1987 to 1996 in a series of suburban gardens, they found evidence for a long sequence of occupation from the mesolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Romano-British, early medieval and later medieval periods. This book presents the evidence of the structures, artefacts and plant remains from this long-lived settlement. Key discoveries include regionally important buildings from the middle Bronze Age and from the Viking period, as well as extensive Roman and late medieval occupation, which contributes significantly to our understanding of settlement and economy in Wirral and the wider region during these periods.

Book information

ISBN: 9781902700410
Publisher: National Museums Liverpool
Imprint: National Museums Liverpool
Pub date:
DEWEY: 936.231
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 260
Weight: 1112g
Height: 300mm
Width: 221mm
Spine width: 14mm