The Two Roads Taken

The Two Roads Taken A Prose Miscellany

Hardback (08 Aug 2003)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Dannie Abse's prose anthology draws together essays and autobiographical material spanning a lifetime of writing and practising medicine. We are treated to amusing anecdotes of Abse's time as a trainee-doctor in wartime Britain, as well as more serious pieces on the Holocaust, Jewishness and the impact literature has had on his medical work. His detailed critical essays on poets ranging from Keats to Plath allow us to engage with his own poetic principles: 'I believe all poetry should be written out of a personal predicament and should be necessary; that there is an unconscious aspect to poetry, that it's not all on the surface.' The resounding voice, like that of his poems, is humorous, compassionate and civilised.

Book information

ISBN: 9781900564687
Publisher: Enitharmon Press
Imprint: Enitharmon Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 828.91408
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 249
Weight: 444g
Height: 224mm
Width: 149mm
Spine width: 26mm