Publisher's Synopsis
What happens when someone is overwhelmed by a desire to help? Does it matter if people only do good in order to feel good? One of Canada's finest playwrights tackles tricky questions in Generous--four short interconnected plays that explore the complications and moral ambiguity created by the altruistic impulse. By turns hilarious, shocking, moving, and politicallyndash;charged, Healey's intertwined plots and characters create a theatrical piece that is both thoughtndash;provoking and powerfully entertaining. Act One of each of the plays happens before intermission; the resolutions~and revelations--take place afterward. In PMO, a minority government teeters on the brink of falling when an MP appears, soaked in blood. In The Death of the Alberta Report, a cutndash;throat oil executive tells the truth to a reporter, and then seduces him. Onendash;Party Rule begins with an excruciating postndash;coital chat between an aging judge and a loquacious young law clerk. And Lily kicks off with a spectacular battle over a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Each play contains a generous deed. And in the second half, the surprising consequences of those four seemingly unrelated acts of generosity will take your breath away.