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2005 Overlook Connection Press Catalog and Fiction Sampler

2005 Overlook Connection Press Catalog and Fiction Sampler

Paperback (18 Apr 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The OCP Catalog and Sampler are produced to entice your customers. The OCP 2005 Catalog and Fiction Sampler features new release announcements and a fiction sampler section of this years titles. Titles: "Stephen King is Richard Bachman," "The Last Rakosh" and "The Tery" by F. Paul Wilson, "A Hairy Chest, A Big Dick, and a Harley" by Lucy Taylor, "Offspring" by Jack Ketchum, "Fingerprints on the Sky: The Authorized Harlan Ellison Readers Guide," and more. Fiction Featured: "Mirror Me" by Yvonne Navarro, "Offspring" by Ketchum, "The Strangers" by Mort Castle, "Wet Work" by Philip Nutman, a "Smothered Dolls" story from A.R. Morlan, "Matinee at the Flame" by Christopher Fahy, "The Tery" by F. Paul Wilson, and "The Jade Unicorn" by Jay Halpern. The OCP publishes Horror, Science Fiction and Mystery in fiction and non-fiction.

Book information

ISBN: 9781892950765
Publisher: Overlook Connection Press
Imprint: Overlook Connection Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 92
Weight: 148g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 5mm