
Tantrums! Managing Meltdowns in Public and Private

Betamax SECAM Video (01 Oct 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A basic philosophical approach for curbing bad behavior. Noting that of all the behavioral problems parents face from their children, temper tantrums may be the most upsetting, this companion DVD to the 'Tantrums!' handbook arms confused and frustrated parents with simple, easy-to-follow directions on how to best manage the problem and guide kids appropriately. Parents and educators will learn the three main causes of temper tantrums, the true power of the "10-Second Rule," the anatomy of a typical tantrum, and the chief problems with attempting to reason with or distract a child. A sound and effective tantrum-management plan is critical to the well being of everyone in the family, and this DVD details an effortless four-step process for marshalling tantrums as well as guidance on how to handle dreaded tantrums in public places, allowing parents to no longer fear tantrums and regain control of their own homes.

Book information

ISBN: 9781889140803
Publisher: ParentMagic, Inc.
Imprint: ParentMagic
Pub date:
Number of pages: 1
Weight: 96g
Height: 190mm
Width: 173mm
Spine width: 15mm