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Stumpwork Medieval Flora

Stumpwork Medieval Flora - Milner Craft Series


Hardback (01 Jun 2009)

  • $32.12
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Publisher's Synopsis

 The embroideries in this beautifully illustrated work were inspired in particular by the decorative panels and borders in the illuminated Book of Hours created by Jean Bourdichon for Anne of Brittany, early in the sixteenth century. Jane has chosen eight flowers from myriad possibilities and interprepted them here in stumpwork embroidery. Five are worked as botanical specimens, their Latin names stitched below them. The other three, equally botanically correct, are presented as illuminated panels with richly coloured borders embellished with gold thread and beads. Each piece includes a 'surprise' in the form of an insect (or two), faithfully interpreted in fabric, wire, beads and thread. The requirements and instructions for each project are given in detail, along with a tracing patterns and explanatory diagrams.

Book information

ISBN: 9781863513968
Publisher: Sally Milner Publishing
Imprint: Sally Milner Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: Revised
DEWEY: 746.44
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 1206g
Height: 290mm
Width: 219mm
Spine width: 23mm