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The Stone Fields

The Stone Fields An Epitaph for the Living

Paperback (01 Aug 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Twenty-three years old, forensic archaeologist Courtney Brkic joined a UN-contracted team excavating mass grave sites in eastern Bosnia. She was drawn there by her family history - her father is Croatian - and she was fluent in the language. As she describes the gruesome work of recovering remains and transcribing the memories of survivors, she reimagines her family's own catastrophic history in Yugoslavia. Alternating chapters explore her grandmother's life: her childhood in Herzegovina, early widowhood and imprisonment during the Second World War for hiding her Jewish lover. The movement throughout the book between the past and the present has a powerful effect, evoking belonging and nationality, what it is to feel rooted in a particular country, how its landscape forms you, and also shedding light on the roots of violence and genocide.

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Granta Books

Granta Books is one of the most independent-minded and prestigious literary publishers in the UK. The company publishes around 25 new titles a year, both literary fiction and upmarket non-fiction, and provides authors with the intimacy of a small, passionate and creative team while consistently punching above its weight in review coverage, prizes, cultural impact and sales.

Book information

ISBN: 9781862077973
Publisher: Granta Publications
Imprint: Granta Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 949.703
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 316
Weight: 244g
Height: 196mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 21mm