Beginning ATL 3 COM Programming

Beginning ATL 3 COM Programming


CD-ROM (01 Sep 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Active Server Library (ATL) is a tool that simplifies the creation of COM components. The latest version , ATL 3.0, marks the blossoming of ATL as a technology. It now covers the entire spectrum of COM applications. COM is the grand unifying technology on Microsoft platforms, providing the core infrastructure for this and the next generation of Windows. ATL is simply the best way to create COM components, combining flexibility and ease of use with great performance. We'll show you how to get started with COM and ATL. More than that, we'll show you how to create useful controls as we back up the theory with ambitious examples in every chapter. This book is aimed primarily at Visual C++ 6 Developers. It is ideal for people who need to get to grips with the principles of COM and the ways in which ATL handles much of the complexity for the programmer.

Book information

ISBN: 9781861001207
Publisher: Wrox Press Ltd
Imprint: Wrox Press Ltd
Pub date:
Edition: 2re
DEWEY: 005.268
Language: English
Number of pages: 521
Weight: 1080g
Height: 230mm
Width: 184mm
Spine width: 36mm