Selected Poems

Selected Poems - Poetry Pléiade

Paperback (27 Jul 2000)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In this Selected Poems, published originally as The Twelve and Other Poems (1970) Jon Stallworthy and Peter France introduce a wide range of Blok's poetry into English, retaining as much as possible his distinctive form and tone. His early poetry is inspired by mystical experiences, and the Beautiful Lady in his work is less a conceit than a powerful enabler. When history filled the sky with smoke and put out the stars, this mysticism did not abandon him. It makes delicate the difficult 'political' poems of his maturity and tempers his disaffection.
'The Twelve' has claims to being the first great poem of the Russian Revolution. It remains enigmatic, the language elevated, the tone celebratory, even mystical in some respects. No wonder that Mayakovsky, bringing Revolution into the very language and form of his poetry, wrote against Blok and the old forms, answering 'Thetwelve' itself with '150,000,000'. Trotsky wrote, 'Certainly Blok is not one of us, but he came towards us. And that is what broke him.' But for Pasternak and others among his great successors he was a great and, thankfully, unofficial master. Pasternak said, 'He is free as the wind.'
Writing 'The Twelve' in January 1918, he was 'surrendering himself to the elemental', celebrating in the twelve Red Guards of the title and their heroism and self-denial what he read as the Bolshevik triumph. He was surrendering not to a cause but to a force, not to an ideology (with which he had no patience) but to a sense of his people on the threshold of just and durable change. When the storm passed and the promised transformation of the world failed to come, Blok fell silent.

Book information

ISBN: 9781857544732
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Pub date:
DEWEY: 891.713
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 123
Weight: 174g
Height: 219mm
Width: 158mm
Spine width: 10mm