The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson

The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson With an Introduction and Bibliography - The Wordsworth Poetry Library

Paperback (05 Jul 1994)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Selected by Rosemary Gray.

Poignant, wry, chilling, challenging, amusing, thought-provoking and always intriguing, these accomplished tales from the pens of great writers are object-lessons in the art of creating a literary masterpiece on a small canvas. From the straightforwardly anecdotal to the more analytical of human behaviour, all are guaranteed to capture the imagination, stir the emotions, linger in the memory and whet the reader's appetite for more. In this book, Wordsworth Editions presents the modern reader with a rich variety of short stories by a host of towering literary figures ranging from Arnold Bennett to Virginia Woolf. This disparate and distinguished company of writers has rarely - if ever - met within the pages of one volume: the result is a positive feast.

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Wordsworth Editions

A question we are often asked is how we are able to offer such high quality books at such low prices. The simple answer is that we are a small family business, with rather old-fashioned values. We do not have corporate headquarters or a massive marketing budget, and this helps us to achieve our ultimate aim: making classic fiction and non-fiction books available at an affordable price, but without any compromise on quality.

Book information

ISBN: 9781853264146
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Ltd
Imprint: Wordsworth Editions
Pub date:
DEWEY: 821.8
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 628
Weight: 436g
Height: 195mm
Width: 122mm
Spine width: 36mm