Publisher's Synopsis
This series takes a look at the many different types of costumes and clothes. Each book looks at a particular form of clothing and analyzes how and why certain materials, colours and designs are used as well as the function and importance of clothing in work, sport and play.;This book looks at the wonderful and sometimes outrageous costumes worn throughout the world on stage, film, pantomime and television.;Costume plays an important role in theatre. Since early times people have dressed up, using different ideas and materials to make themselves look like other people. Children often dress up to make believe they are monsters, astronauts, doctors, nurses and other characters. This book briefly examines the history of theatrical costume, from the masks worn by the ancient Greeks to the Elizabethan costumes worn by Shakespeare's players and to the famous harlequin of the 16th century commedia dell'arte. However, it aims to concentrate on modern influences and adaptations of theatrical costume for ballet, pantomime, theatre and the modern mediums of films and television. The functions and importance of designers, manufacturers, make-up artists and props people are also explained.;The book ends with a visual instruction on how to make a mask and how to make the costumes of the clown and pantomime cat.