Zulu Identities

Zulu Identities Being Zulu, Past and Present

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Publisher's Synopsis

What does it mean to be Zulu today? Does being Zulu today differ from what it meant in the past? "Zulu Identities" wrestles with these and many other related questions to show how the characteristic traditions of a pre-industrial people have evolved into different cultural expressions of 'Zulu-ness' in modern South Africa. This authoritative and specially commissioned volume, which contains more collected expertise on the Zulus than is available from any other source, examines the legacies of Shaka, the intrigues of Zulu royalty, gender and generational struggles, cultural and symbolic projections, and spirituality. It highlights the debates in contemporary South Africa over the manipulation of Zulu heritage, whether deployed for party political purposes or exploited to promote eco - and battlefield-tourism. And finally the book contemplates the future of Zulu identity in a unitary South Africa seeking to embrace the forces of globalisation.

About the Publisher

Hurst & Company

Book information

ISBN: 9781850659525
Publisher: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd
Imprint: Hurst & Company
Pub date:
DEWEY: 305.8963986
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 633
Weight: 1394g
Height: 240mm
Width: 169mm
Spine width: 45mm