100 Ffordd I Adeiladu Byd Gwell

100 Ffordd I Adeiladu Byd Gwell - Cyfres Lego

Hardback (05 Jan 2022) | Welsh

  • $16.62
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Publisher's Synopsis

You're never too young to change the world! Discover 100 fun ideas to be kind and spread joy to the world around you. Get creative with LEGO® bricks and be inspired to care for others, yourself and the planet. Make a neighbour a LEGO thank-you card, get active with a LEGO building race, create a LEGO emoji to make your friend smile, plant bee-friendly flowers and much, much more!

Book information

ISBN: 9781849676311
Publisher: Rily
Imprint: Rily
Pub date:
DEWEY: 688.725
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: Welsh
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 486g
Height: 202mm
Width: 263mm
Spine width: 14mm