Coniston Copper Mines

Coniston Copper Mines A Field Guide to the Mines in the Copper Ore Field at Coniston in the English Lake District

eBook (09 Sep 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This is a field guide to the relics of copper mining in the fells above Coniston, at Tilberthwaite, Greenburn and at Seathwaite Tarn above the Duddon Valley. Because of opportunities these old mines present for the study of industrial archaeology, for adventure, mineral collecting and geology there is an ever-increasing awareness of them among widely varying sections of the public. One could say a new sport has come into being as more and more people of all age groups, not contenting themselves solely with surface exploration and fossicking in old dumps, are going below ground. Mining did not cease completely in the region until 1942, having commenced at Coniston in or around 1599. Evidence of working from the earliest times right through to the 1950s are to be seen at Coniston, thus creating a unique memorial to the immense endeavour which has taken place both on and under these fells.

About the Publisher

Cicerone Press

Book information

ISBN: 9781849652216
Publisher: Cicerone Press
Imprint: Cicerone Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 914.2783
DEWEY edition: 19
Language: English
Number of pages: 120
Weight: -1g