The Oor Wullie Notebook

The Oor Wullie Notebook

Paperback (01 May 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Oor Wullie is Scotland's favourite boy, with his trademark spiky hair, dungarees and an upturned bucket, which he often uses as a seat. As his fans know, Wullie has been with us for the past 75 years, and Wullie normally finishes each strip with him sitting on his upturned bucket, imparting a thought or wisdom to his readers on his day or story. The frequent tagline on the strip is "Oor Wullie! Your Wullie! A'body's Wullie!" (Our Willie! Your Willie! Everybody's Willie!). Created by D C Thomson editor R D Low and drawn by cartoonist Dudley D Watkins, today he is drawn by Peter Davidson. This notebook contains some of Oor Wullie's favourite sayings and thoughts and is illustrated with single cells taken from the strip. Notebook pages are printed pale cream with light blue lines. The perfect notebook for any fan of Oor Wullie. "Oor Wullie" was launched in 1936 in The Sunday Post in Scotland, and is still going strong. The Sunday Post's readership covers all generations.

Book information

ISBN: 9781849342582
Publisher: Black & White Publishing
Imprint: Waverley Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 144
Weight: 368g
Height: 207mm
Width: 145mm
Spine width: 9mm