The Servant of Two Masters - Drama Classics

Paperback (24 Jan 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price A classic Italian comedy that remains blisteringly hilarious and relevant, over two hundred and fifty years after it was written. Disguising herself as her dead brother, Beatrice travels to Venice to find Florindo, the man responsible for his death. However, her servant, Truffaldino, enters into the pay of Florindo, and struggles to keep his two lives and masters separate. Carlo Goldoni's play The Servant of Two Masters (Il servitore di due padroni) was written in the 1740s, though later revised by its author. It draws on the tradition of Italian commedia dell'arte. This English version in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series is translated by Stephen Mulrine.

About the Publisher

Nick Hern Books

Nick Hern Books is the UK's leading specialist performing arts publisher with over 1,000 plays and theatre books in our catalogue. Our list of plays includes work by many of the UK's preeminent playwrights, as well as some of the most exciting emerging writers. We work with major theatres and theatre companies across the UK and in Ireland to publish new plays alongside their professional premieres, often in the form of a 'programme/text' that combines the functions of theatre programme and playtext. We also publish many classic plays and plays in translation, together with a wide range of authoritative theatre books, many of them written by well-known theatre practitioners.

Book information

ISBN: 9781848421936
Publisher: Nick Hern Books
Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 124g
Height: 160mm
Width: 107mm
Spine width: 13mm