Publisher's Synopsis
Aimed at both local authorities and community groups, this guidance is designed to provide clear, useful advice on when and how to transfer heritage assets from public to community ownership. The guidance also provides links to case studies, checklists, a glossary, bibliography and additional sources of information.
Since the first edition of Pillars of the Community was published, in 2011, the Localism Act (2011) has introduced new Community Rights, there has been an increase in the number of assets offered for transfer and new grant funds have been introduced. The guidance has been revised in the light of these changes.
Many local authorities are taking a close look at the the property they own with a view to making savings and rationalising their holdings. At the same time, there are increasing opportunities, provided in part by legislative change, for communities to take a more active role in their local area. These two principles are brought together in the transfer of heritage assets from local authority ownership, into the hands of local communities.