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Re-Educating Racehorses A Life After Racing

Paperback (30 Apr 2012)

  • $26.34
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Publisher's Synopsis

This fully comprehensive book guides the reader through the process of acquiring and subsequently re-training a racehorse. It provides an in-depth look at what life was like for the horse at the racing yard and how through correct training and education you can train your horse to become a happy adjusted athlete ready for everyday equestrian activities. Topics covered: Re-homing - what to consider when re-homing a racehorse out of training; Under New Management - how to ensure a smooth transition; Feeding and Nutrition - how diet affects performance; Working from the ground - a detailed look at the importance of groundwork training; and finally, Re-schooling - what is required of you and your horse.

Book information

ISBN: 9781847972538
Publisher: The Crowood Press
Imprint: The Crowood Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 636.1235
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 672g
Height: 245mm
Width: 187mm
Spine width: 10mm